Happy New Year from your Finance Committee!
I’d like to share with you the happy news that illustrates the generosity that our church family
demonstrates through giving. We were concerned with how the continuation of COVID-19 would affect
the level of giving during 2022, as it was our hope that our amazing congregation would meet the financial goals.
I am pleased to report that total income of $1,211,223 for the year met 99% of goal/budget. And, due
to very good expense management by our staff we ended up the 12/31/2022 year-end with a
surplus (total income exceeding expenses) of $25,034!
The goal/budget for 2023 was increased 7.9% to $1,313,844. Most of this increase was in [raises] in staff salaries and trustee expenses
forecasted for the year. So we have a very good story to tell at Central United Methodist Church. Every day CUMC is impacting the lives of people in our congregation, in our community and around the world.
I hope God is leading YOU to find your personal ministry passion that results in joyful, generous financial giving in 2023. You can make your annual commitment or give a one-time gift here.
Thank you for your continued generosity and commitment to Christ through the ministries of CUMC.
Bob Blackmer, Finance Committee Chair
In 2022 Central Church was offered the gift of a lovely 17-acre parcel of land on Smedley Road
by an anonymous donor. After taking the time to look at the best way to handle the land,
we realized that we did not have the knowledge or the finances needed to develop that property.
It was decided that it would be best to sell the property.
On December 18, 2022 a congregational meeting was held to ask for the your permission to sell the property.
Concerns were raised about the 12 acres of the land that was wet. Had we looked at the possibility of
getting a conservation easement? Could we protect that part of the property from development?
It was decided that it was important that we explore the need to protect the property. Once that was handled,
it would be OK to sell the property.
We spoke to multiple officials in various offices who each indicated that under today’s rules, it would
be next to impossible to get permission to develop the wet areas of that property. We continued to speak
to people until we finally reached the Leelanau Conservancy. We asked about the possibility of a
conservation easement. We were told that they do not work with properties that are less than 20 acres, so
our 17 acre parcel does not quality. With that information, we reached out to Pastor Chris and the trustees
and it was decided that we had done our due diligence and that it was time to go ahead and sell the
Church member and Realtor, Ann Porter, went to work quickly, reaching out to her contacts. Within 3
weeks, she had 14 offers. While the property was listed at $175,000, with all the interest,
we accepted an offer for $262,500. Fantastic!
We owe a huge thank you to our anonymous donor and to Ann for her excellent work!
The Trustees, Finance Team and Church Council will be meeting in the coming months to discuss how the proceeds
from the sale of the Smedley Property can best be used to further the ministry of Central Church.
Julie Falconer, on behalf of the Board of Trustees
Mickey Grooters says
What a wonderful report. And blessings on that anonymous donor – a gift that will keep giving in many many ways.
Kathy Tulgestke says
Hey!! Can we PLEASE put in an elevator so our members wouldn’t have to climb those awful stairs at the back parking lot!!
every time I come to church I struggle with that stairway.
Please consider using money to install an elevator.