Submit online
Facility Use Request - This form should be submitted for any activity or event taking place in the church building, or sponsored by a church group at an off-site location. This form will also be used to add your activity or event to the church calendar if needed.
Event Planning for Marketing & Communications - This form is for any group or event that you would like advertised. One submittal for each event.
Parents Night Out / Christmas for Children Registration - Use this form to register your kids for with of these programs.
Photo Coverage Request - Use this form if you would like your event photographed by Central Image.
Print and turn in at the office
Amazing Race Registration - Print out form and turn in form and payment to the church office.
Direct Debit - Use this form if you would like to give through Direct Debit from your bank account. Print, sign and return the form to Beth Hines in the church office.
Family Registration Form - This form is a release, waiver of liability & indemnity agreement and covers emergency contact information. Use this form to register all children through senior high for all Sunday school and youth activities.