I was wondering what was so special about Nineveh to Have God show such great interest in the city? So I read Micah and Nahum on a whim. I don’t remember reading these books. They discribe Nineveh as a cesspool of sin, a lawless place and idol worship. It made wm wonder why God was bothering with it? Jonah must have been a great preacher for God to send him to Nineveh and a great prophet. It took God two fantastic miracles to convice Jonah. Jonah had faith in God beyond measure as he defide God. What a relationship they had. Do we ahve that kind of faith?
Interesting sermon!
Good morning church.
Thank everyone who facilitates being able to worship from home or away. It is so important to me.
Great music!
Hello Central Fat
Hello from a Cold and Rainy San Antonio. Thank you for the Message Pastor Joan.
Hope to see you all Sometime this Year.
I was wondering what was so special about Nineveh to Have God show such great interest in the city? So I read Micah and Nahum on a whim. I don’t remember reading these books. They discribe Nineveh as a cesspool of sin, a lawless place and idol worship. It made wm wonder why God was bothering with it? Jonah must have been a great preacher for God to send him to Nineveh and a great prophet. It took God two fantastic miracles to convice Jonah. Jonah had faith in God beyond measure as he defide God. What a relationship they had. Do we ahve that kind of faith?